Advancing novel population health strategies to address tobacco treatment inequities.
A statewide project for health systems change to integrate tobacco treatment with a focus on health systems serving the diverse safety net population covered by Medi-Cal. Our overall goals are to 1) Develop cessation referral systems, 2) Support quality improvement projects, 3) Establish multi-level collaborations to increase Californian’s access to tobacco treatment services, and 4) Promote strategies for population health and health equity.
CA Quits is funded by the California Tobacco Control Branch at the California Department of Public Health
Researchers at the UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research (CHPR) studied California’s 1.5 million smokers who are covered by California’s Medicaid program, called Medi-Cal, to understand tobacco treatment disparities.
A policy brief of the 5-year project (2018-2022) highlights how over 100 health systems, Medi-Cal managed care plans, and public health partners have partnered on improving tobacco treatment.
Professor of General Medicine, UC Davis
CA Quits Principal Investigator and Founding Director
A program that helps Californians kick smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco.
The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center aims to decrease smoking rates and increase the number of health professionals who help smokers quit.
California Tobacco Control leads statewide and local health programs, services and activities that promote an environment truly free of tobacco.
A program to advance tobacco cessation using quality improvement methods and provide consultation to clinics serving at-risk populations.